West Volusia Habitat for Humanity

West Volusia Habitat for Humanity
The BEST Thrift shop in Central Florida!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Budget Decorating - Budget Decorating Ideas at About.com

Tonya Lee

Budget Decorating Guide

About.com is a universally trusted internet source for search results. When I Google something and About.com is one of my result options--I click there first. So it was a great honor that Ms. Lee wanted to write about our store. Starting on the 21st of February, 2011 we will be featured on her fantastic blog.

I think Online thrift shopping is about to BOOM. So many people around the US and the World for that matter are finding themselves in difficult financial situations they are looking for more creative ways to spend their decorating budgets. It is the ultimate in green shopping, many of the items are of superior quality to their modern equivalents, and it is simply FUN to dig through a thrift shop.

I hope the attention this store gets through this great alliance will blossom into a new way to support Habitat For Humanity Thrifts store everywhere. Offering them a system for creating an online store for themselves.

So check out...


  1. Thanks for letting us feature what you are doing down there in Florida. Your vintage finds are a pleasure to share!

    Tonya Lee
    About.com Guide to Budget Decorating
    About.com is a New York Times Company

  2. Looking fantastic. Imaginative design and style of retail space and suitable use of a merchandising display and poster displays can possess a significant bottom line affect.
